Thursday, March 10, 2011

Could This Be The Cause Of Your Shoulder Pain?

Are you struggling with shoulder pain that seems to have come on for no apparent reason? This happens much of the time to people who either use computers a lot or otherwise have to sit at a desk for long periods. But, you don't have to be a desk jockey. It could be that you're a cashier or have some other occupation. Whatever you do for work, shoulder problems are frequently the result of repetitive motions done over the period of days, weeks, and sometimes years.

In these cases the discomfort usually starts as something minor. Something that is intermittent. It's usually felt when you're lifting something or reaching out in front of you. Left untreated and undiagnosed (as it sometimes is), the pain slowly grows and grows until its felt constantly.

Typically, the person suffering has no recollection of any trauma to the area at all. In fact, most doctors will hear "I can't remember doing anything that would make my arm hurt so much". This can be pretty frustrating if this is what you're going through. Psychologically it's a little easier to deal with pain when you know what's caused it.

Unfortunately, some people have to jump through a lot of hoops to find out what's actually going on. The doctor orders x-rays and MRIs to be taken. But, sometimes, these tests come back without any definite cause of the problem. And, many times, even though the tests are negative, people are misdiagnosed with a "rotator cuff strain".

Unfortunately, going to physical therapy with the wrong diagnosis can result in a lot of time wasted. Exercises and pain management treatments are targeted at the rotator cuff muscles produce few benefits. This is because they are not addressing the real cause of the problem.

One muscle that is frequently over looked and doesn't get that much attention in the press or media is the biceps. Most people think of bulging upper arms and lifting weights at the elbow. But this isn't the only thing that the biceps do. The biceps are also responsible for lifting the arm at the shoulder too.

Reaching out to take something out of the closet, combing your hair, or even scratching your back require the biceps to be working well. Also, sitting at your desk and using a mouse or most any other office activity will also require that the biceps be working well.

This is because most of the arm motion happens at the shoulder when you're sitting at the desk. If you think about it, you don't lift anything from the floor or from overhead. Most of your work takes place right in front of you or off to your side. Doing these things over and over again are what lead to repetitive motion injuries.

One way to find out if your shoulder pain is caused by your biceps is to press into the front part of the shoulder where it meets the chest muscles. If it's painful there, it could possibly be your biceps. Another way to check is to try to hold something straight out in front of you. Make sure it's not heavy though. Maybe 1-2 pounds at the most. This motion isolates the biceps muscle while it moves the shoulder. If this motion produces shoulder pain, then it maybe your biceps that is sore or strained.

If you are having shoulder problems or pain. The first thing to do is to consult your health care professional. They can order the appropriate tests and treatment. And, make sure you ask them about your biceps muscle.

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