Monday, March 28, 2011

If the Symptom Can't Come From the Diagnostic Finding, Don't Get the Surgery

I feel I must comment to people about the fact that surgeries are being recommended for structures showing up as positive findings on tests like x-rays or MRIs but can not possibly create the pain that the peson is experiencing. This is a very scary trend. Since the lay person has no capacity to know if the diagnostic test positive finding such has a herniated disc, arthritis, stenosis, meniscal or rotator cuff tear is capable of creating the pain they are experiencing where they are experiencing it, they have only faith to cling to to hope that an unnecessary surgery is not being performed. Two examples of this horror can be seen here.

A gentleman I just met told me that he had a total hip replacement on the left side due to pain he was experiencing. He told me an x-ray indicated he was bone as bone as defined by his physician. 5 months since that surgery he is now getting pain at the right side and is told he now needs a total hip replacement at the right hip. I asked him where the pain is on the right side and he pointed to his gluteal region or buttock. Folks, it is critical that you recognize that that is not your hip joint. The hip joint is where the femur or thigh bone enters the pelvis. To find this point, put your hands on the top of your waist. This is the top of your pelvis. Now lower your hands down your side from the waist. You will feel a depression until you reach a round bone sticking out. That is the hip joint. For most people, they would never guess that is where their hip joint is located.

If the physician told you that you were bone on bone in your hip, this is the location where you should have pain. I asked this guy if the place where he had pain at the right side was the same as the left side and he said yes. So he ends up getting a total hip replacement due to pain at the gluteal region which could never come from bone on bone at the hip joint. Now either the physician is completely inept in differentiating the cause of symptoms or he maliciously performed a joint replacement he fully knew was unnecessary. And is now convincing this defenseless fellow to get another unnecessary hip replacement on the right side for a symptom that could never come from being bone on bone at the hip joint.

I explained this point to this guy and he was shocked to hear that his symptoms could never come from the hip and therefore most likely had an unnecessary surgery and was being recommended another unnecessary surgery. He is expected to come for therapy at my office where I will identify the true cause of this gluteal region pain and resolve it. I am saddened that he got unnecessary hip replacement but at least I can stop him from getting another one.

In another case, I woman had a fracture ankle and months later ended up with pain at the bottom of her foot. The physician tried to convince her that the pain under her foot was due to a torn ligament at the ankle that had not healed and that an orthotic should be tried and if this failed, possible ankle fusion would be necessary.

Luckily for this woman, here boss was coming for therapy at my facility and recommended she come to me. I immediately diagnosed her pain as plantar fasciitis coming from a strained hip muscle which was altering her weight bearing through the foot creating irritation of the plantar fascia. To think that this woman could have ended up with an ankle fusion for no reason is chilling.

Whether it is knee pain around the knee cap coming from a meniscal tear which can never create pain around the knee cap, gluteal region pain being caused by a herniated disc in the lumbar region which has no nerve pathway to the gluteal region or numbness in the whole hand coming from carpal tunnel syndrome which can only possibly affect the first three fingers, diagnoses of causes of symptoms that can never create the symptom is rampid. The medical establishment simply uses a diagnostic test and gets positive findings and presto, they have a diagnosis. If the diagnosis can't possibly create the symptom, it appears that is not important. As long as they seem to have something to treat, they are very happy. Unfortunately for the layperson, they are 100% defenseless to know the difference. And every bit of evidence is showing that surgery is being performed and pain is not being resolved. It should be obvious that this result indicates that surgery is not being performed on the true cause of symptoms.

Studies showing the results of surgeries performed to resolve knee pain due to osteoarthritis and back pain due to vertebral fractures as defined by the medical establishment via x-rays and MRIs as the cause of these symptoms showed absolutely no decrease in pain whether the actual surgery or a mock surgery was performed. These findings are eye opening and should put a halt to surgery until these findings can be investigated.

Even one unnecessary surgery is one to many. Don't become a statistic. Understand what your symptoms are and what the potential cause of these symptoms can be. You must take responsibility for your health. Getting a surgery must become as much your decision as the physician's decision. If they are not willing to attempt to correlate your symptoms to a legitimate cause, you had better.

Is It Whiplash?

You've been in a fender bender that didn't seem that bad at the time. You dealt with the other driver, the traffic cop and the insurance company that day. Maybe you even drove home. But today, you feel terrible! What happened? While severe neck pain is sometimes considered the tell-tale sign of a whiplash injury, there is a wide variety of other symptoms including headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, cognitive changes and low back pain. There are so many factors that contribute to a whiplash injury such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, that each person's combination of symptoms is unique. That is why it is vital to take a holistic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of whiplash injuries. Holistic doctors of chiropractic treat victims of traffic accidents on a regular basis. We understand the complex nature of whiplash injuries and know many ways to help your body recover from them.

Many different parts of your body may hurt or feel numb and tingly besides your neck. That is because whiplash involves damage to the vertebrae, nerves, discs, muscles, and ligaments of your neck and spine. Your spine contains your spinal chord which connects your brain to most of the nerves in your body. These nerves pass between vertebrae on their way to your arms, legs and other parts of your body. When spinal injury occurs, the gaps between certain vertebrae can become too small. This pinches the nerves, causing pain, numbness and/or weakness in other parts of your body. The tendons that surround the neck and spine are also full of nerves which can be damaged during whiplash trauma. This is why holistic doctors are committed to the long-term care of each whiplash injury sufferer. They know how to treat the long-term affects that whiplash injuries have throughout the body.

Even if the wreck happened weeks or months ago, you may begin to feel pain in many places. Whiplash symptoms are often not obvious on the day of the accident. In fact, very often, they are not felt until the next day. Sometimes, it takes weeks or even months for all the injuries that resulted from the whiplash trauma to become obvious to you. The techniques that holistic doctors of chiropractic use in examinations often help them find problems that you may not feel symptoms from yet.

Learn more about the affects of whiplash injuries and how Dr. David B. Cohen, D.C. can help you recover from them at

Lupus: It's Not Just All In Your Head - Solving The Riddle That Has Befuddled Millions

My aunt was always plagued with joint pain. Whether it was her hands, her knees or her hip, the pain just never seemed to go away. Doctors and specialists could not figure out what medical condition that she could possibly be suffering from. It was horrible watching her suffer from joint pain without any relief day after day. It seemed almost impossible to diagnose her condition and without a proper diagnosis it was impossible for her to receive the proper treatment! Little did we know that the identity of her medical condition is a systemic autoimmune disease that is prone to occur nine times more often in women than men called Lupus.

My aunt was constantly in pain all over with an "unknown" disease ever since I could remember.Lupus is also known as the great imitator due to its ability to imitate other medical conditions. This is due to the various symptoms it can show which make the medical condition even more challenging to figure out for its patients. Basically for the medical condition Lupus, the immune system attacks the body's cells and tissues which then results in inflammation all over the body particularly within the joints. There are numerous other side effects and my aunt suffered from them not knowing the exact medical disease she had.

Although I have never experienced it myself, the pain that plagued my aunt was heartbreaking to watch. Lupus has periods of illnesses that occur without warning. Basically all the symptoms just flare up for no reason. My aunt would be fine one day and then too sick to leave her bed for the next day. I would watch her wither in pain without the ability to get up or partake in any activity. The disease took a huge toll in her life and it hindered her from doing all the things that she loved like baking, gardening and even teaching. She often compared it to me as if her whole body was being torn apart and she could feel pins and needles piercing through to the core of her body.

Although Lupus is treatable through addressing the pain and symptoms that appears, there is absolutely no cure yet. Even though this is the case, I still wish that my aunt's medical condition could have been diagnosed earlier so she could have enjoyed the benefits of the treatments earlier instead of having to suffer all those years.

Joint pain all over the body or targeted areas only is the number one symptom of Lupus but that's not all. Victims of Lupus often find that they will begin developing rashes and have dermatological problems. In addition, haematological symptoms like anaemia, pulmonary and cardiac symptoms like endocarditis or pulmonary haemorrhage or neurological symptoms like cognitive dysfunction are prone to develop in patients suffering from Lupus. The numerous amounts of symptoms that are caused by Lupus only makes the experience that much more painful, troublesome and tough to diagnose.

My aunt had most of the symptoms that I described and was suffering from more medical conditions than just joint pain. After running numerous tests and examinations and finally diagnosing her medical condition, she finally received the type of treatment that was necessary for her to find relief. Although she still has Lupus today, by diagnosing the symptoms of the illness she is able to better her life by easing the pain. She is no longer hindered as much as before and I can watch her enjoy all of the daily activities she once did which bring me back to the reason of why it is crucial to be able to be diagnosed with the proper medical condition in order to receive the relief necessary.

How to Tell If You Have a Torn Rotator Cuff

A rotator cuff is an important part of the mechanics of the human body. When a person raises up their arm straight out, up, or in, along with flexing the elbow, it is shoulder related. This is because there are a group of tendons and muscles that make this happen. When this area is torn or damaged, it will no longer work properly, or at least it won't work without pain.

Shoulder injuries can be somewhat bothersome or can be extremely painful. The reason is because of a bone spur. When the tendon rubs it for a while, it will tear. A person may only be bothered when trying to sleep at night and it feels like something is stuck or is painful lying on it although I have found that the pain with pressure comes after it gets worse, not in the beginning.

Depending on the size of the tear of the rotator cuff, exercise and therapy is almost always required for recovery. Rest, Ice, Cortisone Injections and massage might also be used. If the tear is large, surgery will be needed along with physical therapy. It takes a really long time to heal from shoulder surgery so you'll want to avoid it if it's at all possible.

If a person has a torn rotator cuff and does not do anything at all to treat the problem, then eventually with time the shoulder will deteriorate. There will be weakness in the arm. Eventually you will see a loss of muscle in the shoulder and will have the inability to do many basic things, some as simple as combing your hair.

The causes of a torn rotator cuff besides bone spurs can be an accident, a person becoming older, and a bone disease-because of tiny bone fractures, diseases, and other causes. The real truth is that in any given time and place, almost anything can cause a rotator cuff tear.

If anything just does not feel normal in the upper arm area or shoulder, or even both when you need to reach high for something or lift something, it's advisable to get it checked by a doctor. Some people will hear a popping sound in their shoulder, feel pain, or loose strength. All of these are signs that something is wrong.

The good news is that most torn rotator cuffs can be repaired with exercise and therapy as long as you start treatment early. Letting it go, will only make things more difficult.

Microwave Slippers


For those cold winter days and nights or for curling up with a good book or perhaps in front of the television to watch your favorite show or movie, HotSlippers are the perfect choice for warming your feet. These slippers are great for even spending the day around the house and are microwavable which creates the warmth. The slippers are easy enough to use, just put them in the microwave for ninety seconds to two minutes. They will provide warmth and a soothing comfort to your feet.

These HotSlippers are wonderful for ridding one of pain or aches due to putting in a hard day of work. These slippers are filled with wheat grains, which help to hold in the heat, and lavender is infused into them to provide a great smelling fragrance. The materials these slippers are made from are a pile faux fur that is of excellent quality and will provide your feet with even more warmth.

HotSlippers come in a variety of assorted colors such as red, lilac, brown, hot pink, beige, aqua, and cream. They come in a size that will fit most people's feet; their sizes range in adult sizes three through seven. These slippers will feel like a total luxury to your feet and are great not only for yourself but make a great gift as well for anyone who wants to keep their feet warm. They are perfect for a day of relaxation and to unwind with but are only able to be worn indoors.

These slippers are perfect for any adult and are ideal as a gift especially for those who want warm feet and love the scent of French lavender that is added into the slippers. Or for anyone who wants a slipper that is made of good quality materials that are super soft and comfortable to wear.

They are manufactured from a company in the United Kingdom that restocks their products daily and have other products available as well such as cute novelty slippers that appeal to children. So whatever the reason may be whether it is to relax and pamper your feet with a feeling of luxury or to soothe away your aches and pains from overworked feet from a long day on the job; these slippers will make a great purchase.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shoulder Pain - Causes and Treatment

Shoulder Pain can be caused by a wide range of injuries or conditions. The shoulder joint itself is an extremely mobile joint with very low stability, leaving it open to injuries such as dislocations. The shoulder girdle (the joint itself, plus the AC joint, Scapula and surrounding muscles/ligaments/tendons) is also heavily involved in upper back and neck posture and so postural problems and muscle imbalances are also common shoulder issues.

In general, shoulder injuries can be divided into two categories:
Acute (traumatic) injuriesOveruse/postural injuries

Acute Injuries

Acute injuries are those that occur as a result of a sudden force or movement at the joint. The individual will usually know exactly when the injury happened and can often describe the event. They often describe a sudden pain and sometimes a clicking or popping sensation.

Acute injuries may include:
Shoulder dislocationsAC joint injuriesRotator cuff tearsGlenoid labrum injuriesClavicle fractures

Treatment of an acute injury should involve immediate rest and the application of cold therapy, in the form of an ice pack or wrap. Taking the weight of the arm off the shoulder using a sling may also be recommended. Medical attention should then be sought to determine the nature of the injury and the appropriate course of treatment.

Overuse Injuries

Overuse injuries are those where shoulder pain develops over a period of time, gradually becoming worse until the individual seeks medical attention. They usually cannot pin-point a specific incident which caused the pain and quite often the pain is not easy to pin-point, with no specific tender area. Overuse injuries are usually related to either poor posture or poor sporting technique (or any other activity), or both!

Common overuse injuries include:
Impingement syndromesRotator cuff tendinopathyBursitis

Treatment of an overuse injury is often more difficult than an acute injury. Initially the aggravating activity should be ceased to allow the tissues involve to rest. Soft tissue treatments and electrotherapy may also be used to reduce pain and inflammation, as well as breaking down scar tissue and increasing muscle flexibility.

Once pain and inflammation have subsided, an exercise rehabilitation programme is usually implemented to address any postural problems and muscle imbalances which may have contributed to the injury. Other factors such as poor technique, training errors and unsuitable equipment should also be corrected.

Radiating Pain Due To Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) generally affects woman more than it would men. It occurs most often in the 35 to 55 age group. Thoracic outlet syndrome has to be differentiated from other conditions that may simulate the symptoms found in this condition. Thoracic outlet syndrome can be attributed to two different categories, neurogenic or vascular. Neurogenic, possibly the most prevalent is due to entrapment of nerves and can be due to various causes. The vascular type is due to obstruction of blood vessels emanating in the neck, shoulder, armpit (axilla), and upper arm.

Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (NTOS) can be due to a congenital condition or a trauma to the neck or shoulder. A trauma such as a whiplash injury sustained in an automobile accident or a severe fall, or an injury sustained in contact sports can be such a causative factor. Any such trauma can affect the cervical spine or muscles, tendons and ligaments in the neck and shoulder. Any individual displaying neurogenic (nerve) or vascular (circulatory) symptoms should consult a Chiropractor or Physician for a comprehensive examination. His/her examination will include various orthopedic tests, x-rays, and possibly an MRI if indicated. There may also be other tests, such as an EMG to evaluate the normal function of the nerves.

The nerves that will be affected are the 8th cervical (C8) to the 1st thoracic (T1) found in the base of the neck and the spine, between the shoulder blades (scapulae). The nerves can be compressed or tractioned (pulled) at several sites, due to a variety of reasons. A congenital condition such as "cervical ribs" may be causing pressure on nerves or blood vessels. A cervical rib is an enlargement, or an overgrowth of the transverse processes of the 7th cervical vertebra or 1st thoracic vertebra. If the cervical rib is abnormally enlarged, surgical intervention may be necessary. If the patient can obtain relief with other treatment methods, that of course would be the best course to adopt.

Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (NTOS) will present such symptoms as pain, numbness and tingling (neurasthenia) in the neck, with pain, numbness and tingling radiating into the armpit (axilla), upper arm, forearm and hand. The fingers are also involved and usually affect the 4th and 5th, or the 1st and 3rd fingers. As the condition progresses there will develop a weakness in the arm and hand. Further progression will cause atrophy of the muscles and a greater weakness, interfering with the normal use of the arm, hand and fingers.

Vascular thoracic outlet syndrome (VTOS) will affect the blood vessels in the neck, shoulder, armpit, arm, forearm and hand. The vessels that are usually affected are the subclavian or the brachial plexus. Any compression of these vessels, whether due to bone, muscle, inflammation, or scar tissue will cause an impairment of the circulation. The vascular changes will be most apparent in the hand. There will be loss of circulation causing a blanching (cyanosis) and swelling. Severe cases can cause a condition known as "Raynaud's phenomenom. Raynaud's phenomenom generally causes a burning sensation in the hand. The blanching occurs intermittently and is usually triggered by cold. Usually Raynaud's is secondary to thoracic outlet syndrome. If left untreated a rare result may occur that will result in a distal gangrene.

On rare occasions, another class of symptoms may occur. When the subclavian artery is blocked near the origin of the vertebral artery, there can occur a reverse blood flow to the brain causing cerebrovascular symptoms. This is not the usual thoracic outlet syndrome we are discussing at this time. This is another condition that is due to the correlation of pressure on the subclavian artery.

Thoracic outlet syndrome, like any other condition that affects the nerves, muscles and blood vessels, needs to be treated as soon as symptoms become apparent. Visiting their Chiropractor or physician as stated earlier in this article, should be their first order of business. In most instances the Chiropractor is best suited to treat the nerve impingement that is certainly present. He/she will find the cause of impingement and treat the patient to remove the causative factor. He/she will also treat the patient with adjunctive therapies, such as, electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, trigger point massage therapy and diathermy,

The patient will generally respond well to this therapy and Chiropractic treatment. However, it is up to the patient to help in their treatment. With home healthcare, they will speed their recovery while alleviating the pain that will be ongoing as they receive treatment from their Chiropractor or their Physician. Using a good analgesic gel can relieve pain and muscle spasms. The use of a vibrator that has hot or cold can add to therapy adjuncts and. can be very soothing. The alternate use of hot and cold in conjunction with the vibration will also be beneficial in increasing circulation and removing toxins from the muscles. It will also relieve the spasms that may be present. Maintaining an exercise program, will prevent muscle atrophy, keeping the muscles strong and flexible.

Taking charge from the very onset of this condition will help the individual to attain the relief from pain and disability that will return them to a happier, pain-free existence. The homecare can be the most defining factor in obtaining a speedy recovery, or for not, allowing this condition to progress to a point where there will be ongoing pain and muscle atrophy. Should it reach that stage, normal life will not be the same. Everyday activities, such as household chores, work, and sports will not be part of the normal daily activities, and enjoying life will not be possible to the fullest extent that it can be.

Repetitive Strain - Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Regular repetition of mechanical duties within the office environment can give rise to persistent, irreparable harm to the body's muscular, skeletal and nervous systems. Very often known as repetitive strain injury, this condition can impact hugely both on a person's quality of life and on every day enjoyment and effectiveness of performance. As with all hazards in the work place, forewarned is forearmed. It is useful to recognize the origins of RSI so that possible harm to the hands, wrists, and arms can be prevented. Repetitive strain injury is probably the biggest health concern confronting office workers today. Any malaise or affliction can make functioning efficiently both difficult and arduous, resulting in a marked reduction in both output and job satisfaction. Be cheerful and healthy at work by observing these valuable hints:

Causes of Strain and Safeguards:

Unaligned wrists

The positioning of the wrists on the keyboard can greatly impact on the general fitness of both wrists and forearms. The perfect position of the wrists is parallel with the arms so as to minimize any unnecessary on them. Wrist strain is especially perilous, as it builds gradually over time. Long term strain prevention requires on going commitment to the proper wrist positioning. It is essential to work with straight wrists at all times to reap the benefits.

Keyboard angle

Normally, keyboards are manufactured with small legs giving the option of an an angled working position. Although minimal, this angle can result in a bend in the wrist and can cause unnecessary strain. It is preferable that the keyboard should lay flat upon the office desk surface or at a slightly downward sloping angle if possible to straighten the wrist.

Impact of keyboard use

Over zealous tapping of the keyboard can have a detrimental effect on arms and hands. Damage to the joints and finger nerve ends can be the end result of forceful keyboard use, eventually spreading and causing pain when typing. A little less force when typing is required. The omission of breaks In a hectic office, it can be all too easy to disregard breaks. However, the constant, repetitive procedures required of many administrative employees can give rise to stress injuries of the severest kind to the hands and arms. Endeavor to take a rest from the office desk for ten minutes or so every hour wherever possible. This small undertaking will rest the joints and keep body and soul fresh and the mind alert.

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Stretches

Sciatic nerve pain is an agonizing condition to anyone who suffers from it. Standing, walking and even lying down at night become intensely painful. In some individuals if the condition worsens the damage to the sciatic nerve can start to affect a person's ability to walk or stand properly and most will also suffer from lower back pain and leg pain.

Often tight piriformis, abdominal or hamstring muscles will contribute to misalignment in the lower spine and pelvis and contribute pressure and irritation to the lower spinal nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve.

We are going to go over five powerful and effective stretches and exercises designed at helping a person avoid sciatic nerve pain and perhaps these may provide some relief to those who are already suffering from either lower back pain or leg pain as a result of damage to the sciatic nerve.

1. The first stretch we are going to do is for the piriformis muscle. You want to lay flat down on the floor on your back. Keep your head on the ground, use a pillow if the surface is too hard to support your head. Keep the legs fully extended straight out. Bring your knees upwards and towards your chest. Cross your left leg over your right leg and bring the left knee towards you. You want to gently bring your knee closer until you feel you are near the maximum stretch and keep it there for approximately 8-10 seconds. Keep your back as flat as possible. Switch to the other side and repeat for the right leg. Do this a couple of times on each side and progress to the next exercise.

2. This exercise is slightly similar but this time you bring one knee up towards you and keep the other leg slightly bent and on or near the floor. Pull the knee towards you and you should feel the stretch through the buttock. Again hold this for approximately 8-10 seconds and switch sides. Repeat this a couple of times each and progress to the next stretch.

3. The next exercise is done flat on the floor again. One leg bent keeping your foot flat and the other leg is kept straight and flat on the floor. You want to make sure you perform this exercise keeping your lower back flat and also against the floor. Elevate the straightened leg approximately 15-20 centimetres above the floor. You want to keep the lower abdominal muscles contracted and tight. Hold this position for about 8-10 seconds then lower the leg down to the floor. Switch sides and perform this with the other leg. Repeat a second time and progress to the next exercise.

4. Sit on the floor with one leg flat and the other one bent at the knee. If you aren't very flexible you can place the flat leg against the wall for stability. Stretch forward toward the top of the foot of the flat leg. Hold this stretch for approximately 8-10 seconds again. Switch sides and perform on the opposite leg. Do this a couple of times each leg and progress to the next exercise.

5. Bend down onto one knee. Bring the heel of your other leg back towards the buttock on the same side while pushing forward with your pelvis. This is a very effective stretch and can also be performed standing. It is important to really isolate the hip flexor muscles. Try and hold this stretch for 8-10 seconds, switch sides and repeat. Perform this a couple of times on each side.If your hip flexor muscles are tight it creates abnormal tension on your lower back and creates what is a called a hyperlordosis which is an increased lumbar curve.

All of these stretches are simple yet effective at providing relief from sciatic nerve pain. As with any exercise or stretching routine, discuss your specific needs and concerns with a qualified medical professional.

Options, Other Than Surgical, for Your Joint Pain

Unless your injury is abrupt and severe, orthopedic surgery should only be considered after all other non-surgical options have been pursued without success. Many symptoms of joint pain develop over time and are therefore less likely to receive the attention they need early enough. If you're starting to experience discomfort in your joints, I have compiled a list of the top five options you must know about before considering orthopedic surgery.

Assessing the situation

Before an individual can effectively evaluate all of the options for treating joint pain, an accurate assessment of the scenario must be made. Providing an answer to the following eight questions will help your physician determine which approach is best suited for you.

Do you experience pain while performing basic everyday activities?Is your joint discomfort restricting your participation in the activities you enjoy or active daily living?Are you unable to walk without the interference of pain?Are you unable to sleep due to your joint pain?Has your joint pain forced you to miss any important events that you would otherwise have attended (e.g., travelling, attending a wedding or religious service, and/or visiting family members)?Do you experience joint pain more than one day per week?Would you classify your pain as mild or more significant?Are non-prescription pain medications no longer effective?

If your answer was "yes" to more than three of the questions listed above, you should discuss treatment options with your physician. You might be a qualified candidate for joint replacement. If your answer was "no" to more than four of these questions, you should be able to manage your joint pain though combined methods such as those listed below. Your physician should be able to suggest the most appropriate approach for your specific condition.

Treatments for joint pain will typically focus on methods for improving mobility and managing discomfort. Those treatments that tend to be most successful utilize a combination of techniques customized to an individual's overall health, needs, and lifestyle. Prior to initiating any treatment strategy, patients should review the most reasonable options with their physicians in order to identify the optimal course of action for them. The five non-surgical treatment options you must consider are listed below.

1) Physical therapy and exercise

Physical therapy and light exercise offer one of the most effective and least expensive treatments for joint pain. There are several benefits that come with this approach, such as...

An improvement in one's general outlook and mood.A noticeable reduction in pain.An increase in joint flexibility.Greater circulation and cardiopulmonary fitness.

2) Weight management

Excessive weight is a lead contributor to joint pain, especially in the hips, knees, and weight bearing joints. Reducing one's body weight to a more desirable point will often aid in the alleviation of pain as well as improve a joint's function. Sustainable weight loss is best achieved by means of a healthy diet and regular exercise. The resulting reduction in stress on the joints will safeguard against further injury.

3) Nontraditional strategies

Provided that a patient's condition is not overly severe, several methods exist for relieving pain and rigidity without using drugs or resorting to surgery. Such approaches include warm towels or baths, heated pools, and hot packs. In some instances, cold packs (a bag of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel). Alternating between hot and cold at regular intervals can also help to alleviate joint pain.

4) Medicines

Medicines such as acetaminophen, topical creams, mild narcotics, corticosteroids and NSAIDS are regularly administered to mitigate the pain and inflammation of joints. A pharmaceutical approach can only deliver a short-term reprieve from joint pain, therefore it should not be implemented as permanent pain management. Drugs also fail to provide protection against additional joint damage.

5) Rest

Sometimes taking no action is the best choice of all. Often times sports injuries can heal over time as long as you don't push yourself to get back into the action too soon. Of course, the path of 'non-action' can be the most difficult to pursue as many athletes are by nature highly energetic and don't like sitting still for long. If possible, take one to two weeks off from the activities that are aggravating your joint pain. During your time off, apply ice to the joint at regular intervals.

You may even want to try a combination of some or all of the non-surgical approaches. Most importantly, call us as soon as you notice the discomfort exceeding your normal level of fatigue from exertion. We can help you assess which options make the most sense given your specific situation.

If none of the above work...

Joint replacement (partial or total) is an option to be considered by those patients who are no longer receiving pain relief from nonsurgical approaches mentioned above. The replacement or reconstruction of a joint can often result in the complete elimination of pain as well as a total restoration of movement.

Unfortunately, a lot of people today put off joint replacement due to bad information, fear, or a just a simple lack of knowledge regarding the variety alternative treatments. Don't let this be your excuse! There is no good reason for anyone to endure unnecessary physical pain and stiffness that undermine virtually every area of everyday life. Many types of joint pain are degenerative, meaning that any pain and limited mobility from which you may now be suffering will most probably get worse in the long run.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pillow For Neck Pain

There are quite a few things that can cause neck pain. This is something that happens to everyone once in a while, and it is usually either accidental injury or improper posture while doing certain activities. Neck pain can ruin your whole day, especially if you can not move your head in any direction without feeling a lot of pain. When you have pain your your neck or even your upper back, most of the time it is a muscle problem and it will resolve within a few days with the right tools. One of those tools should be a pillow for neck pain.

If you have recurring problems with neck pain, you may want to have it checked out. There could be a problem with your upper spine. On the other hand, if you just have pain once in a while and you can pinpoint from where it came, it is usually something that you can clear up on your own with ice, heat, and rest. A pillow for neck pain can greatly help you sleep through the night while your muscles in your neck may be hurting or in spasm. Without one, you may not get a good night of sleep.

First, use ice if you believe you have a pulled or strained muscle. This often happens from improper posture or tilt of the head while sitting at a computer or because you may have slept with your head at an odd angle the night before. The ice helps with inflammation that usually comes with this type of neck pain. Alternate ice with heat to soothe the inflammation and then the pain. You can also take something like Advil or the generic equivalent to help with the inflammation as well. At night, you want to make sure you have a pillow for neck pain on which to sleep.

A good pillow for neck pain is one that is more firm than other pillows and that helps your neck and head stay in the same position. The best one would be one that keeps your spine in a straight line so that you are not stressing the muscles any more than they have already been strained. There are some great memory foam pillows that work great for neck pain. Look for ones specifically make for that purpose. You can also try the buckwheat pillow, which offers the same support in a different way.

If you have gotten the pillow for neck pain that you thought would work, and you still have pain despite using it and taking other measures to get rid of your pain, you may want to make an appointment to go in to see your doctor. Sometimes, a muscle is spasming so badly that you need a muscle relaxer to make it stop. Pain that goes on and on may be something else that you won't be able to treat on your own. Don't take the pain too long before seeking medical help, because the fix may be easy, or there may be more serious damage of which your doctor can find and diagnose.

Post-Nasal Drip

The greater majority will be affected with the chronic variety of post-nasal drip and is necessarily related to the weather there doesn't have to be an incidence of having had a cold, but when they do, the condition worsens. The symptoms may improve somewhat after the cold is over, but the condition remains, and there is no cessation of symptoms.

Some causative factors that can lead to post-nasal drip are:
Allergies due to foods, such as milk, dairy products, eggs, wheat, gluten, peanuts, etc.Sugars may also be an irritant to those with post-nasal drip and should be eliminated to see if the symptoms are alleviated.Allergies due to chemicals, such as may be found in the laundry detergent, cleaning agents used, clothes coming from the cleaner, the pillow you sleep on, the rug you walk on, the particle board on furniture, etc.Allergies due to environmental factors, such as grasses, flowers, pollen, pollution in the air, etc.All of the above are substances that are being inhaled and are reacting with the mucous lining.Infection of the sinuses.Thinning of the nasal membranes.Abnormalities of the sinuses.Deviated septum. Although, this is not a usual causative factor, but in some instances may be.

Symptoms of post-nasal drip are:
An excess of nasal mucous (vaso-motor rhinitis)A cough that is usually worse at night, and is usually due to the excess mucous dripping into the throat.Runny nose at times during the day, which can become very dry during nighttime hours.Plugging of the Eustachian tube, the tube between the nasal passages and the ear, giving a feeling of the ear being obstructed. This can possibly cause an ear infection resulting in pain.One or both nasal passages may be clogged and is usually worse at night.There is a dripping of the mucous into the back of the throat, causing the individual to constantly bring up the phlegm, which is very thick and of a viscid consistency.The drip into the throat can lead to a sore throat.There may be an increase of sneezing, which is the bodies response to clogged sinuses and it's way of clearing them.Sinuses may become plugged, causing facial pain. This can also cause an infection of the sinuses that can prove to be very painful.

How to cope with post-nasal drip can be a daunting fact. There are many prescription drugs that are given for the condition, but there are usually side affects as with any drug. There are also many over the counter drugs, but there can also be side affects with these as well. Reading the 'Warning," on the package of these over the counter medications, it will probably read, " Do not exceed the recommended dosage as it can cause burning, sneezing and cause an increased nasal discharge. If the condition persists, see your physician". What is usually not mentioned is that it can raise blood pressure. If the condition is severe, painful and infection is suspected, the individual should definitely seek help from their healthcare provider. If it has been a long ongoing condition, there are natural ways to lessen the symptoms and obtain some relief. Read about them in the health hints below.

Health Hints***

You need to determine if you are allergic to any foods or other substances that you may be coming into contact with on a daily basis. If you suspect that it is a food that you are eating, you need to stop eating that particular food for about a month. If there is no improvement, you can go back to eating that food. Repeat the same procedure with another suspected food.Do not use milk or mild products. These products produce excess mucous and can be a primary cause of Post-Nasal drip.Take an extra vitamin C and querecetin before bedtime.Add fresh garlic and grated daikon radish to your diet on a daily basis.Review all household cleaning products and chemicals that are being used for laundry, etc.Change all air conditioning and heating unit filters on a monthly schedule.Wash all bedding once a week in hot water.Vacuum all rugs, carpeting and drapes, twice weekly. If possible have someone do this chore so that you will not be exposed to excess dust.Dust all furniture, pictures and nick-knacks twice weekly. Here too, it would be best having someone do this chore so that you will not be exposed to dust.Explore your outdoor activities such as gardening, where you may be exposed to chemicals, mold and pollen. It may be wise to curtail these activities for a month or more to see if there will be any relief from the symptoms.You may wish to discuss with your healthcare provider to have him/her do an IgG blood assay test to find the foods you may be sensitive too.It is important to drink at least 16 ounces of water on a daily basis. This will help in keeping the mucous from being thick. Keeping the mucous of a more watery consistency will enable you to remove it more easily.Finally, keeping the nasal passages clear will lessen the post-nasal drip and relieve the symptoms. A very convenient home remedy and a way to accomplish this are extremely easy and inexpensive. The procedure is outlined below.

Home procedure for nasal irrigation:

Find two small vials or small jars. Fill one with regular table salt and the other with Baking Soda. Every morning, first blow the nose clearing both nostrils. Place a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda in the palm of one hand. Let just enough warm water run into your hand. With one finger of the other hand, stir the salt and baking soda. It will rapidly dissolve. Add some more warm water to the dissolved liquid and quickly sniff the liquid into both nostrils, while throwing your head back. You will feel the liquid running into the back of your throat. Wipe but do not blow the nose for a little while. If desired and needed, this procedure can be repeated at bedtime.

A determined effort on anyone suffering with post-nasal syndrome may help in alleviating the symptoms of this most annoying condition.

Picking The Proper Shoes To Prevent Foot Pain

The small size of these complex structures, in relation to the rest of the body, and the fact that they are the supportive foundation of the entire body, places an enormous burden upon them. Every step we take and the ensuing pounding places an additional amount of weight, and throughout the day can amount to many tons of weight that the feet are subjected too. This constant pounding, usually aggravated by improper footwear, leaves no doubt as to why most individuals will suffer some form of pain in either one or both feet.

Pains in the feet usually occur in three different areas of the foot. The front or ball of the foot (metatarsals), the middle (arch) and the back (heel). When the front of the foot or feet are affected and the pain is in the ball of the foot, it generally is diagnosed as metatarsalgia. In metatarsalgia, the pain can also intrude on the toes. There can also be conditions that affect one or more toes that are not related to metatarsalgia and of course this must be diagnosed.

Pain in the mid foot or feet are found in most instances to be caused by a flattened transverse arch. This flattening is caused by an overstretching of the transverse ligament leading to the breaking down of the arch. This is referred to as flat feet (pes planus). Conversely, the exact opposite will be an unusually high arch. That in of itself places a great deal of stress on the biomechanics of the feet, putting more pressure on the metatarsals and heel.

Pain in the heel is usually caused by some form of irritation to the underlying (plantar) fascia and ligaments, and also to the Achilles tendon. There are many causes for the great variety of aches and pains that can impact the foot or feet, as well as the many reasons for them.

The individual stricken with pain in one or both feet should seek a definitive diagnosis for their condition from their Chiropractor, Physician or Podiatrist, so that they will be more able to cope with their disability. And we must consider pain in the feet as disabling at best. We depend on our feet for standing, walking, running; playing sports, and of course any and all activities that are part of our daily lives.

The above explanation of pains that can occur in the feet is highly oversimplified. There are many diagnoses that cause a variety of these pains and symptoms. When the individual is aware of the cause for the pain after seeking a definitive diagnosis from their healthcare professional, they can then take charge of the needed self-care that is of the utmost importance for eliminating the pain and discomfort. For those who suffer in silence without seeking the means to get the much needed relief that may be only as far away as getting properly fitted shoes of good quality, I can just say, they are doing a great injustice to themselves.

The greatest advice that can be given to one and all is SEE TO YOUR SHOES! The wrong shoes can be the foremost cause of all the ailments that will befall us humans. Examine your shoes carefully to see how they wear. You will generally find that they are worn unevenly, signifying a weakness of the foot or feet on the uneven side. They should generally wear evenly if the biomechanics of the feet are correct. Examine the soles of both shoes. Should you find one sole is worn more, starting from the toe going back to the heel, will be an indication that the foot is overpronating (walking with the toes turned outward), and usually occurs in those with flat feet. Underpronation is usually found in individuals with high arches. When there is uneven wear of the heels on the outer edge, it is usually indicative of a foot imbalance.

Finding a proper fitting shoe can be a challenge that most of us go through all our lives, starting from childhood on into and throughout adulthood. Seniors in particular find it difficult to find a shoe that is comfortable and easy to walk in without some degree of discomfort. A cheap shoe is just that. When the materials used are of inferior quality and is poorly constructed, and most importantly not designed to fit properly, you have the potential for soreness and pain in the feet. The shoes will be prone to breakdown even under regular daily wear and especially so when given hard usage.

It then becomes extremely important to find a shoe that is ergonomically designed to fit the feet properly, giving the needed support to the structures of the feet. The materials used must be of the finest quality to withstand the rigors of the daily wear and tear they are put through. An improperly designed and poorly fitted shoe will cause calluses, bunions, corns, plantar fascitis, Achilles tendonitis, knee pain and pain that can translate to the legs.

When this scenario as described above is ongoing, the individual then becomes prone to other more serious consequences, such as back pain that can occur anywhere along the spine, from the lower back to the base of the skull. In other words, if the foundation is at fault, then the rest of the structure, in this case the whole body is in jeopardy of getting into very painful situations that affect the entire skeletal system.

When fitting your shoes, remember that your feet are different from everyone else. If you are uncertain whether you have a high, intermediate or flattened arch, you can determine that by doing the following: After a shower or bath, place a piece of heavy colored paper or even a brown bag on the floor. Step onto the paper with both feet. That will leave an imprint of your feet showing the outline of your arches. A full imprint of the foot signifies a flattened arch. An imprint that shows a full print with a concave curve is a normal arch. A print showing the ball and heel of the foot, with a severe concave curve is a high arch.

Knowing the type of foot biomechanics and how your shoes wear will be the best guide in choosing the right shoe for you. In my own quest for the right shoe I have checked out many brands and have probably worn most of them at one time or another. The final decision will be yours to make, depending on how they feel when you walk on them. The shoes you wear should be fitted so that you can feel the large toe joint at the widest part of the shoe. When sitting, be sure that the end of the big toe has approximately an inch of space at the tip of the shoe, so that when you stand, the toe will not be touching the shoe. The inner shoe should give the proper support to the foot and not allow the foot to lean to the side. In most instances a shoe with a lace, will allow for adjusting for a firmer support. Attention to these simple rules will greatly help in finding shoes that will be comfortable, easy to wear, and enhance your daily activities.

As mentioned previously, there are many conditions that can affect the feet, causing pain and disability. In future articles we will discuss some of these particular conditions and how to cope with them. For now, look to your shoes and walk in comfort!

Posterior Knee Pain - What To Do When Your Injuries Catch Up With You

Posterior knee pain has changed my life. I crashed my helicopter and survived, severely injuring my leg. My daredevil days are over. The pain is excruciating. I can no longer operate the foot controls on my helicopter. I can barely walk. I can barely make love to my wife. Basketball is out of the question, so is bowling and ping pong. I am reduced to hobbling on one foot, using a walker or crutches.

Walking with crutches when you have posterior knee pain is a headache. You need to train your mind to the proper way to place your crutches when walking. It is much harder to do down stairs rather than up. You will find that using crutches will make your upper body much stronger, while your legs wilt away from non-use. Be careful, using crutches when the ground is wet. Crutches do not offer proper-grip in the rain. You will find that when you walk on crutches to posterior knee pain that you will end up with pain in your butt from falling down more than usual. Also, be careful not to trip on your own crutches! Always place them away from your walking path.

When suffering from posterior knee pain, just like a sunburn, you will be surprised how many strange people accidentally touch or bump into you right where the pain is. I find that it really helps to keep your knee wrapped in an ace bandage or knee brace. When you have weak joints, it's good to provide additional support to the area affected. This will increase your muscle control and minimize movement in an unfortunate bump or fall.

Chronic posterior knee pain can really get you feeling in a bad state mentally. If you are used to an active lifestyle and then run across a knee injury you will hate being mired in inactivity. Running for posterior knee pain rehab is out of the question. Your best bet to repair your knee is by walking or riding a stationary bicycle. You need to do daily cardio to keep your attitude positive. Push ups, sit ups, dips and toe touches should be part of your daily routine. Posterior knee pain does not need to get you depressed. Work on your rehab and the injury will eventually heal itself and you can go back to an active healthy lifestyle. Just don't crash your helicopter in the first place and you can avoid all these tips!

Preventing Lower Back Pain From Happening and Getting In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

Lumbar pain is very common among all ages. According to, "5.4 million Ameri?cans are disabled due to lower back pain per year." Shouldn't that number be lower? I think so, so today I am going to discuss some preventative measures to keep your back healthy and working! Prevention is the answer.

Start right now to be certain that you are not going to be a victim to pain. I suggest if you are experiencing lower back pain you go and see a doctor and make sure you know what is causing your pain. You would be surprised how many things cause pain in your back such as spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, herniated discs, fractures, bacterial infections, and so many more.

Here are some ways to help prevent the dreaded pain:

1. Avoid sleeping on your stomach because it tends to arch your back into uncomfortable positions.

2. Standing with good posture minimizes the stress on the lower back due to the promoting the natural curve of the spine.

3. Stretch your back every day to promote relaxed muscles and reduce tension spots.

4. When lifting anything from any surface, use your legs to lift most of the weight.

5. Do lower back strengthening exercises to enhance your back strength.

What this all comes down to is being physically fit and healthy. Take care of your body because its the only thing we have to have.

To find out how you can change your life starting today, check this out:

Mitch Hell

Pain and Scarring Following Surgery

With surgery comes pain - a basic medical fact. Every surgery involves an incision, a surgical cut into body tissue or an organ. The site of the incision is called a wound, whether on the surface or deep inside the body. A surgical incision is an assault on the body. Cutting tissue and nerve endings traumatizes, or shocks, them. This causes pain.

Surgical Pain

Pain, and a person's reaction to it, is highly individualized. The amount and intensity of surgical pain depends on your overall fitness and health, your tolerance for pain, and the operation you have. Certain major operations - such as Caesarean section and traditional open hysterectomy - that involve large surface incisions and procedures deep in the body result in more surgical pain than some minor operations do.

Fortunately, for an operation, you receive an anesthetic. An anaesthetic is a medicine that slows down some of your body's systems and prevents you from feeling pain during your operation.

Unfortunately, the anaesthetic wears off. You feel pain and discomfort after your operation. This pain is known as surgery pain, surgical pain, or post-surgical pain. The pain is a kind of post-traumatic stress to the spinal cord, the part of the central nervous system that carries pain messages to the brain.

Adhesions and Scars

Post-surgical pain is usually caused by scarring, also known as adhesion formation. Post-surgical adhesions and scars are a natural and necessary part of recovery. Adhesions begin to form almost immediately after tissue is cut and make up the first step in the healing process. When body tissue is cut, tiny strands of a protein called collagen rush in to repair the damage. Collagen is a glue-like substance that binds, or reconnects, damaged tissue. It works on tissue both on the surface and deep inside the body. The microscopic but strong collagen fibers begin the process of post-surgical adhesion formation, creating scars that last a lifetime.

Post-surgical adhesions and scars cause pain when the tissue begins to shrink and the adhesions restrict nearby tissue or internal body structures designed to move independently. This can create a painful cramping or pulling sensation inside the body. To make matters worse, this restriction can cause irritation that triggers even more adhesion formation.


Post-surgical adhesions can lead to other problems besides pain, depending on where inside the body they form. For example, adhesions in the bowels can cause diarrhea, constipation, or bowel obstruction (partial or complete blockage of the bowel), a potentially life-threatening condition. Post-surgical adhesions in the female reproductive tract can lead to painful intercourse or infertility.


Surgery pain is controlled mostly by medication - painkillers such as acetaminophen (brand names, Tylenol, Anacin AF, Panadol, and others). Managing surgery pain has become a high priority in hospitals and clinics. Reducing pain helps the body recover faster afar surgery. Following surgery, nurses constantly monitor your basic body functions, known as your vital signs. The four traditional vital signs are blood pressure, heart rate (pulse), body temperature, and breathing rate. Pain level, a fifth vital sign, is now widely recognized as an important health indicator.

In many cases, however, surgery pain caused by adhesions is chronic, lasting a long time. The usual treatment for chronic surgery pain is more surgery to remove or repair the adhesions. Repeat surgery can remove some internal scars, but it can also leave behind new adhesions that bring on pain - sometimes worse than before. Some alternative treatments for surgery pain have proven effective. Stress management, acupuncture, and certain types of physical therapy show promise for relieving surgery pain.

Pain Relief by Dr Arnd Stein

Pain Relief by Dr. Arnd Stein is part of his deep suggestion series. It has sold over 2 million copies and displayed proven effectiveness. This program can drastically reduce your need for medication by connecting essential basics of autogenic training, hypnosis, and music therapy. It offers encouraging suggestions, a set of guidelines and instructions, as well as numerous spoken stimulations that are meant to jolt your mind at the subconscious level.

A number of voices, sounds, suggestions, and music are all intertwined in this life-altering program. Pain Relief by Dr. Arnd Stein helps to give the phrase, "peace of mind" a completely new meaning. It's amazing how drastically pain can be reduce when the individual is no longer focusing on it's negative effects. When you focus on your pain, you are likely to notice it much more. This program also helps you to bring to light memories of time periods when you weren't in pain, and helps you to subconsciously alter your reality so that you are reliving those pleasurable time periods once more.

This program also gives the listener something to look forward to by offering encouraging suggestions about how much better life is about to become. You're not only focusing on living in a pain-free time period from the past, but bringing it into the future by utilizing the amazing powers of your mind.

Pain Relief by Dr. Arnd Stein helps you to manage your pain much better without medication. Although you may still have to rely on some types of medication, the amount you will be required to take in order to achieve complete and total relief won't be as much. It will help you to separate your mind from your pain by putting your focus elsewhere. Instead of feeling the pain to it's full extent, you can be wrapped up in thoughts of happiness and serenity.

This program will help you to learn how to better manage your day-to-day life as well as your interactions with people. How you deal with your problems can have a direct impact on the amount of bodily and mental pain you experience. You might have easily noticed that on days where you seem to have it all together that you're not in as much pain because your state of mind is in a much healthier place, whereas on days where you feel your emotions are out of whack and you're simply not getting along with others, your level of overall pain is exaggerated.

By taking the time to sit down and listen to Pain Relief by Dr. Arnd Stein, you can take advantageous of all of the helpful tips and advice this program has to offer. From there, you can take these proven, helpful techniques and apply them to your everyday life, making your level of pain much less noticeable, if not eliminating it altogether. In the midst of all the helpful advice, strategies, and techniques provided in this program, you'll notice a significant reduction in stress, which can intensify pain by a landfill if not careful. Overall, you can expect a healthier lifestyle with minimal pain and a better mental outlook.

Pain Management After Knee Surgery

Post surgical pain can be intolerable, especially after an orthopedic procedure. The good news is that modern pain management treatment can alleviate a significant degree of pain and discomfort. There are healthcare centers in New York where physicians offer treatments that provide great relief to patients who have recently undergone a knee surgery.

Pain Management Specialists

These specialists comprise a team of medical practitioners such as psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, neurologists and orthopedists. They assess the condition of the patient and take into account the extensiveness of the surgery. This helps them formulate a customized multi-disciplinary treatment plan by combining pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic procedures.

Effective Pain Relieving Techniques

Symptoms of pain are addressed at the physical and psychological level by adopting certain techniques. These are effective if performed under the care and guidance of experienced doctors.

Rest and relaxation - It is the most essential part of the treatment plan, especially after a major knee surgery such as a knee replacement. Muscle relaxation and exercises - Therapists would assist patients in both the techniques to ease stress related pain and improve joint motion. Heat or cold compressions - These help to reduce the intensity of pain and swelling. NSAIDS and narcotic medication - Physicians prescribe pain relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs if needed. Pain relieving modalities - TENS Unit (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) may be used to decrease pain perception. Knee elevation - Patients who have had a knee replacement surgery would need to elevate their legs higher than their hip. This positioning can be adopted when the patient is in bed, recliner or chair as this would reduce the sensation of pain.

Live a Life Free from Pain

Patients don't have to worry about suffering excruciating pain after a knee surgery. Pain management centers are there to help you live a comfortable life. It is best to learn about what you can expect after a surgical procedure and be prepared. Talk to specialists and know how quickly they can get you back on your feet with their specialized care.

Getting Posture Corrective Braces

If you do suffer from posture related issues, then it is not a medical condition. There is a good chance that it developed over time from a lifelong of habits. Chances are that these habits could have started at childhood and if you are now in your thirties then you've got a huge task at hand in dealing with the condition. Poor posture isn't only when you are standing, but also when sitting. Slouching is another common word for poor posture.

Bad posture causes those muscles that you would normally use for a good posture to become weak and slack. Other muscles take over leading to the person becoming comfortable in that position. This happens over a long period.

A lot of people are quite concerned about their poor or bad posture mainly because of the way they look when standing or seated. People with bad posture will normally complain about pain in the lower back and getting tired easily.

A posture corrective brace in one such thing that can help pull your shoulders back and enable the straightening of your back muscles. Braces are also useful for those who suffer from osteoporosis.

How Do Posture Corrective Braces work?

The common question that most people with bad posture would ask is, how do these braces work?

In order to get the full benefits of a good posture, you ought to get posture corrective braces. Note that for you to achieve the quickest benefits of these braces one has to also undertake a couple of recommended exercises. These exercises are so as to strengthen the back muscles and lead to a firmer upright back. One of the amazing things about these braces is that they constantly remind your brain of how good it is to have a good posture.

Getting good braces that will work despite your body shape is best. These braces won't also deter under your clothing. Braces use certain straps that move over your shoulders so as to keep your posture in good order. As your posture improves you will find it easy to support yourself and any pressure applied.

Note that some cheaper models of braces will dig into your shoulder skin and under arms, whilst good braces will come inclusive of a liner cloth so as to keep you dry and cool.

Taking care of your braces is a fairly easy thing to do. All you do is wash them using soapy water and they are good to go. Some even come machine washable, but it is best that you check the label so as to be sure. After drying you may notice that they may look distorted and this is nothing to worry about as they will return to their original shape after a little stretching.

When shopping for braces you should take your time and make sure that you get ones that suit your style and size. Most shops will offer some form of assistance in helping you choose the best corrective braces for yourself.

Foot Drop Due to a Stroke (CVA) - AFOs And The WalkAide - Medical Supplies to Help With Walking

Have you, or someone you know, suffered from a stroke (CVA)?

Nobody wants to be held back due to a stroke, so this article can be really helpful for these people if they suffer from a foot drop.

What is Foot Drop?

Foot drop can result after a stroke and cause people to drag their toes when they walk. This results in the body's loss of muscle control either due to weakness or paralysis. As a result, people may exhibit what is known as a "high steppage" gait to compensate for this condition. A "steppage" gait happens when someone tries to lift their knee higher than normal, so they can clear their foot more easily when they take a stride.

Is There Treatment For A Foot Drop Due to a Stroke?

Yes. People do not necessarily have to live with a gait deviation and do nothing about it. You do have options. Two conservative treatment options can work very well for people that suffer from foot drop, due to a stroke. Traditional AFOs and the WalkAide are two devices that medical professionals use to help people walk better again after a stroke.

A.) AFOs (ankle foot orthoses)

What is an AFO? - An AFO is a brace that is made by a specialist in orthotics, known as an orthotist. These individuals can fabricate a brace for you that will help lift your foot when you walk. These braces can also help to provide support to your ankle in the coronal plane (side to side stability), while also providing indirect support to the knee, if you need it.

B.) WalkAide

This is a more new, FDA approved medical device, that can assist with foot drop as well. When people have suffered form a stroke and some other debilitating conditions the WalkAide is an alternative device that can be used for the benefit of a patient. What happens is that this device provides electrical stimulation and in turn, the foot can be raised when a person walks. This can eliminate the need for an AFO for patients and help people get on with their lives again. It can work well for many people, but not everyone is a candidate for this type of device.

Note: This is health information. Not medical advice. For medical advice about bracing or the Walkaide, it is best to consult a licensed orthotist in your area. These individuals are credentialed medical professionals that work with both AFOs and the WalkAide.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Herbal Remedies: Hot and Cold Packs

Herbal remedies are preferred by a lot of people because of many reasons. These are simple, have no chemicals, do not show any side effects, do not include man-made impurities and are economical as compared to allopathic medicines. Herbs, spices, oils, essences, fruits, seeds and vegetables used in herbal remedies are naturally occurring and are rich in life-supporting and re-vitalizing elements and ingredients.

Just like modern medicine is available for almost every illness, in the same manner different herbal remedies are also available for curing most of illnesses known to mankind. One of the most common applications of herbal remedies is through hot and cold packs. All of us complain of aches, sprains and cramps on a regular basis. Our body is strained each day because of our hectic routines, posture problems, sports related aches and daily chaos. Popping pills for relieving pain everyday is not an ideal solution as it means pumping a continuous source of artificial chemicals into our system in the form of pain killers and relievers. These chemicals numb the pain for some time but pose as only a temporary cure. The ideal solution in this case is to seek help and comfort in herbal remedies. Hot and cold packs are suggested by even practitioners of allopathic medicine for relieving pain, sores and as a treatment for a variety of injuries.

Different types of hot and cold packs are available in the market. Packs with herb fillings, herbal gel, and chemical gel are all widely available and equally effective in relieving pain and soreness. Also, these are available in different sizes, with or without straps, in the shape of packs, small pillows, cushions and even as body wraps to provide you with added comfort. Hot and cold packs can be used to relieve pain in wrists, hands, arms, feet, ankle, legs, thighs, shoulders, hips, backs, spines and necks. You can choose the size and type of your choice depending on your personal preferences.

A hot and cold pack has many uses. These are reusable and you can use them as many times as you want without any fear of wearing them out. The pack is made of soft materials which would not cause discomfort to skin. Some packs also have a protective covering and do not need to be wrapped in a cloth or towel when applying them to the affected area. These can be easily used by heating in a microwave or cooling in a freezer. They come in different size and shapes. You can even have your pack customized by having one, two or combination's of herbs (scented, non-scented) added to your pack.

The heat from hot packs relaxes the muscles and tissues. This causes increased blood circulation to the area of application and an added supply of oxygen which relieves pain, soreness and creates a soothing effect. Cold packs numb the joints, throbbing muscles and reduce swelling. It should be remembered that hot and cold packs should be wrapped in a cloth or towel when applying to skin for added safety. It is advisable to use them for about twenty minutes to avoid excessive exposure to heat and cold.

Muscle Pains

Polymalagia rheumatica is quite common and is a well-defined syndrome. While it can affect many groups of muscles in different areas of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, back or the pelvis muscles, it does not cause atrophy of the muscles involved. The causative factor of polymalgia rheumatica is not known. It usually affects those 50 years and over, and will affect more woman than men, in a ratio of 4:1.

The constant stiffness and achiness can be extremely debilitating to the individual. Getting out of bed in the morning can be a daunting task. Daily chores cannot be performed with any semblance of normalcy. The individual may experience fever at times, as well as loss of appetite with weight loss, and a feeling of apathy. They can feel extremely tired at all times. Very often the individual with polymyalgia rheumatica may experience pains in the temperal region of the head. This can be due to another condition called "Polyarteritis" that often accompanies polymyalgia rheumatica. In polyarteritis, the medium-sized muscular arteries are inflamed, causing a reduction of the blood to the surrounding tissues. Although polymyalgia rheumatica is not a life threatening disease, polyarteritis can be, and should not be taken lightly. The individual may suffer from severe headaches and irreversible blindness can occur.

Should an individual find himself or herself in a situation that manifests itself as above, they should of course seek advice from their healthcare professional. The longer they wait places them in jeopardy. Their healthcare professional will do the necessary testing that will eventually lead to a definitive diagnosis. Having this definitive diagnosis is a must in knowing how to proceed with treating these conditions.

Health Hints***

Your healthcare provider will do several blood tests. The one that will prove to be definitive in polymalgia is the sedimentation rate. The sedrate as it is known, is invariably high in this condition. If pains are present in the temporal region, it is also advisable to see an ophthalmologist as well. The condition of temporal arteritis causes headache and can rapidly affect the arteries to the eyes, and cause blindness if left untreated. A blood test called ESR will be high. An arterial biopsy may also be necessary in order to have a definitive diagnosis. The condition often affects those 40 to 50 years of age, but can affect other age groups as well. It will also affect men more than women on a 3:1 ratio.

Polymyalgia rheumatica as well as temporal arteritis are generally treated with cortisone drugs. The patient with temporal arteritis will be started on cortisone (prednisone) immediately on a daily basis, and only will be reduced when the symptoms have subsided. For the patient without temporal arteritis, your healthcare professional may use other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). These drugs are prescribed in an effort to control the inflammation and pain. The individual affected with polymyalgia rheumatica and possibly temporal arteritis, should not depend on the drugs to find relief from the pain. Having enough rest is important so as not to overtax the body and the involved muscle groups. Hot showers (not extremely hot) can be used twice daily to relax the muscles and ease the pain. The use of a heating pad to the most painful areas will also prove helpful. Using an analgesic gel such as Biofreeze applied to painful areas 3 to 4 times daily will help control the pain. The most important thing that the individual can-do, is recognize the seriousness of their symptoms and seek advice from their healthcare professional. Above all, do not neglect it and feel that it will go away eventually. It may not, and it can indeed prove to be serious in its ramifications.

Natural Pain Relief - The Important Role of Distraction and Detachment

There was a really interesting talk put out on the internet the other day by a guy named Dr Shealy who was being interviewed by Lisa Garr from the Aware Show. He is a leading neuroscientist who specialises in energy medicine and healing through natural energy and alternative methods.

TENs Pain Relief

He is the guy who introduced us to the TENs machine, amongst other things (which stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation ) which is now being used by thousands of people in hospitals and homes around the world to help alleviate and control pain, from pains in pregnancy to acute back pain and more. This portable unit works by sending friendly low-level electrical signals through the skin to the brain to block any pain signals and ease any pain that you are feeling. Plus it can stimulate the release of feel good hormones at the same time, such as endorphin.

Dr Shealy is interested in where pain comes from and how it can be controlled or dissolved naturally by harnessing the body's energy fields and neuro-processes. He is a specialist in pain management therapy and promoting natural recovery through de-stressing, relaxation, distraction and detachment techniques and EFT tapping and massage stimulation of the body's energy meridian points.

Detachment Techniques

Dr Shealy argues that one of the most important ways to control pain is to practice the method of detachment, such as by focusing on something else intently for a while. In his example, focusing on the right thumbnail whilst breathing slowly and deeply until most of what is in your awareness is just that, the thumbnail, distracts the attention away from the pain. He claims that just doing something as simple as that can reduce your felt pain by as much as 50 per cent.

This seems to be borne out by a program that was on TV the other day, where the technique of 'pain management by distraction' was discussed. In the program, a burns patient was suffering a lot of pain every time he had his burn dressings changed, which happened every day. The anticipation of the pain and the association of his 'daily trial' with the room he was in and all its features added to the trauma of the experience.

However what happened next was that he was introduced to an interactive game about snowball fighting, which he was able to watch and interact with through headphones, goggles and a control panel. He interacted with the game during the whole time his dressings were being changed. The result of this distraction technique is that he experienced a 70 per cent lowering of pain levels by the power of his mind, which is pretty impressive.

Getting Through The Suffering

Life is not always easy - rather it is a roller coaster of ups and downs. We climb one figurative mountain just to sit and rest a while and then embark on another. Pain and suffering are thus an inevitable part of life. They cannot be avoided.

Without these former two aspects of life we would not grow in character become more spiritually awake and sound or emotionally fit. They refine us. This does not mean that it's pleasant to suffer, no but it is an in escapable part of life. This article aims at providing techniques that help one to cope in the dark, painful times of life and push on through to those which are more pleasant.

Firstly, maintain a positive attitude as much as possible - believe me I know this is difficult when it seems like your David facing Goliath, are in heavy debt, have lost a loved one or have pressing legal matters. What you put out into the world you get back, more often then not. One method I have found which helps an extremely negative person like me stay positive is to meditate on the word of the Lord, reciting phrases such as - "There is no condemnation for those in Christ", "Jesus is my advocate" or even - "God will protect me". If you are not Christian or religious just give yourself positive affirmations such as - "This to will pass" or - "I will survive".

Secondly, stay active - do not let your issue lead to deep depression if you can help it. Go to gym if that's your thing, write, read and even work (if you are able to). It helps.

Thirdly, if your problem is still overwhelming seek counselling - find a psychologist - speak to them let it all out, it is amazing what an objective point of view can do in such situations. They might refer you to a psychiatrist who will medicate you, but to me therapy is by far a more effective means to tackling grief and anguish then medication alone.

Fourthly, pray. Even if you are not religious pray. Jesus Christ has worked wonders in my life and with out him I would literally be in jail or dead via drugs, suicide attempts, and car crashes. I can not tell you to find Christ, but only suggest it as we all have freedom to our own religion.

Fithly, take some time to be one with nature. Observe the birds, listen to the ocean watch the sun set - remind yourself just how beautiful this cruel world actually can be.

Lastly - smile, don't lose the faith. You are not alone, there is always somebody worse off then you, and inside of you, you have all the mechanisms to deal with your problem. Face the problem don't run from it feel the grief and anguish. Sit with those feelings and before you know it, your tears and worries will turn to joy and hey your there - at the top of your own Mount Everest. Just don't give up.

Well, I hope that some of this hard learnt advice and you get to the top of your mountain. And remember for every portion of suffering there is a portion of joy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Longevity Rehab 1000 - For Many Types of Pain Relief

Changing the keg? Pulling the kettlebell? Just getting older? Longevity Rehab 1000 is the first product in a soon to be released boutique items of goods focused on health and wellness. Athletes the world over have sought out the expertise of Scott and visited his product in Summerlin, NV. Meeting Jim Song several years ago an alliance was formed as two men in their respective industries now having the opportunity to work together in creating this product. Conditions ranging from back pain to arthritis patients have seen significant gains in their mobility and daily living.

The author personally has used the product after pulling his lower back after a strong kettlebell workout. Manipulating the cream into the affected area using the included tool with the purchase of the cream working it into his back. Known at in his offices as the Pensivy Mathod this tool has been created to replicate an Orthopedists "tool box" if you will thus allowing the general public and anyone using this product to reap the benefit of the many conditions listed on the packaging and the as yet to be re launched website. Things are pretty exciting in Las Vegas in 2011.

This is merely not just another product that claims to help with pain management it attacks the situation full on. There is a clamor of excitement and anticipation as the product gets ready to begin distribution nation wide in a few short weeks. More information will be published in the next several weeks. Along with contact info as millions looking for relief in some sort of physical ailment.

Knee Braces - Orthopedic Medical Supplies Near You

Are you looking for a knee brace company near you?

Do you want to pay little to nothing for your knee support?

If so, then this article can help you.

1.) Introduction

Knee braces can help to provide support to the knee, but is is not always easy to figure out where to get the best one for your needs. This free article on knee supports will guide you to quality brace providers in your area. When you visit a medically credentialed provider, this means that you can possibly get a brace for little to no cost to you. This is not a joke and no, this is not an infomercial. This is solid information that can save you a lot of money and get you great support for your knee at the same time.

2.) Knee Support Types

There are 4 main different kinds of knee braces. There is an unloader, functional, post op and rehabilitative type of knee support. Usually, you will hear about people that need a knee brace due to a ligament tear. These are sometimes referred to as ligament knee braces, or ACL knee braces by medical professionals as well. If you have a ligament tear of some kind, then obtaining a high quality orthopedic support, should be something a person considers, to help avoid a worse knee injury. In the end it is your choice, but many quality knee braces exist which can help keep you out of harms way.

3.) Where To Get A Quality Knee Support Near You

When it is time to get a quality knee support, it is important to visit a local, licensed orthotist. Why? These individuals are trained in orthotics and specialize in braces. These individuals can also help you get a knee brace free of charge. No, this is not a joke, it actually happens everyday. If your insurance covers durable medical equipment, then you might be paying little to nothing for your new knee support. - Many times, if your insurance does not cover a brace, it will cover a large portion of the support. This is something that an orthotist can help you with.

Note: This is health information. Not medical advice. When it comes to medical advice on bracing, it is best to work with a local, licensed orthotist near you. The orthotist will work together with your physician to get you the best knee support for your needs, based on your diagnosis.

Learn The Facts Of Sleep Apnea And Breathing Machines

What is sleep apnea? Of course, that is the scientific term and it is less likely that you can understand that. In common words that you can understand, it is the disorder in which you stop breathing in your sleep. This happen frequently and duration can last up to 10 seconds. Sometimes, this can lead to serious injuries from strokes or possibly even death.

This disorder is most likely caused by disorderly lifestyles. If you drink a lot, cut it out. If you smoke a lot, cut it out. If you are constantly fatigued from work, take a break. There are more reasons for it but it generally deals with stress. It will cause your blood pressure to go up and may make you feel tired all the time.

Sleep apnea really is serious. If you really want to find a permanent solution, then you must have some sort of surgery done. If it is not critical, then perhaps the better option will be to go for sleep machines.

All sleep machines have the same functions. There are two types of sleep machines out there, the CPAP machines and the BiPAP machines. The former is a type of machine that hooks up to your face and a machine that pumps air through the mask into your lungs directly.

The latter works almost the same way, but with some variations. CPAP machines are more recommended if you only have a minor or mild sleep disorder.

If you have a mild case, these one-way machines will help you inhale. It is very efficient and not really that expensive. It is very portable which means that you can travel with it.

However, if you are those who are diagnosed with another disorder to do with your heart, then you must use the BiPAP machine. This machine works both ways and will help you maintain pressure while inhaling and exhaling.

If a person stops breathing, the BiPAP machine will force air in to establish some sort of breathing. It is also more comfortable than other masks, because it is pressurized. There is yet another form of breathing machine called the ACAP machine that can automatically adjust pressure.

Hip Pain Relief: Now I Know Why They Strap Pillows To Their Bottoms

Has getting hip pain relief ever seemed like a daunting task to you? As if it was next to impossible to attain?

I have never longed for hip pain relief as much as I have in the past couple of months after falling and landing on my hips. I took my children ice skating in the nearby community center during the winter break because it seemed like a whole-hearted and fun family activity. Ice skating with my kids didn't seem difficult at the time as I pictured myself swirling around in grace. I used to ice skate a lot and I thought that I would have no problem reintroducing myself to the ice ring except I forgot that the last time I skated was over 15 years ago.

My children were overly ecstatic about ice skating and insisted that I join them. I didn't hesitate at all. Mommy was going to show off her skills! The problem laid in the fact that since I haven't skated in so long I had no idea what skating felt like anymore. My legs felt so wobbly trying to adjust to the ice and I found myself slipping and sliding all around the ring to my children's delight. It was all fun and games until I slipped on a turn and fell right onto my hips.

The pain was immediate and tremendous. I felt the sharp spurts of pain travel all the way from the external skin to the internal bones. I could barely even get up! It wasn't embarrassing showing my children that it's ok to fall and I'm glad that they had a good laugh out of it but the pain has haunted me ever since that day. It has persisted every day and never seems to disappear.

I have been actively seeking out hip pain relief ever since then! My hip pain appears to grow every day, and I think the ligaments and tendons are still swollen with jolts of pain running through my hips at random times of the day. It has begun to interfere with my daily life and my ability to take care of my children. My children are able to walk faster than me when I take them to school now and I can barely even keep up due to the pain. The moment that I return home I immediately have to soothe and ease the pain by applying heat packages for temporary hip pain relief and my day can sometimes really go downhill from there.

My hip pain has definitely taken a major toll on my life and I have constantly had to seek hip pain relief from that day on. It has been a nightmare!

If I only knew that one day would cause so much pain, I would have never ever gotten on the ice let alone try to show off in the skates! So much for being an avid ice skater back in the days! Sometimes it's just not worth the trouble of showing off to your kids anymore when my body just isn't as resilient as it used to be when I was a kid!

Hot Packs From Herbal Remedies

Science has revolutionized modern medicinal practices. Modern medicine has a cure for everything and almost every illness known to mankind. Where allopathic medicinal practice has taken over every facet of human health there are concerns expressed over the side effects of consuming chemicals used in allopathic medicines. Everything that is artificial and man-made has a limited range of functionality and effect.

There is a vast majority of people who do not feel comfortable with chemically made medicines and prefer herbal remedies to man-made medicines. Herbal remedies are the perfect solution for people seeking a milder therapy for their problems. Natural treatments and herbal remedies have been known to cure various bodily related problems.

One of the most common complaints of people accustomed to the modern lifestyle are body aches, muscle tensions, bone related pains and joint tensions. Various pain relievers, pain killers, sedatives and steroids are available in the market to relieve such pains. However, once the effect of the chemicals wears off the pain re-surfaces. The reason being that allopathic pain relievers numb the nerves that transmit the sensation of pain to the brain. These do not cure the actual problem. Dissatisfied, a lot of people turn to herbal remedies for a solution. One of the best pain relieving solutions offered by practitioners of herbal remedies and medicines are hot packs. These are simple packs that can be heated or cooled to relieve body pains. These work best when heated and can be applied to the muscles, joints and placed over the area of complaint. Problems like headaches, back aches, shoulder pain, migraine, muscle tension, cramps, sprains, cold, flu, fever, insomnia and anxiety can be cured effectively by applying a hot pack to the affected area.

A Hot pack provides a soothing effect which is produced by herbs that are added to a hot pack. The energies of naturally occurring herbs are free of any artificial compounds and chemicals that can have side effects. A Hot pack is ideal for people who show allergic reactions to allopathic pain killers, and provide a natural treatment instead. The soothing effect can be enhanced by herbs like cinnamon, mint, lemongrass, lavender and chamomile among many other. A combination of two or more herbs can be used in a hot pack to provide added relief. These days many herbal remedy practitioners offer hot packs that can be customized according to your preference. These can be scented as well as non-scented depending on personal liking. These come in different shapes and sizes depending upon the area of application.

Herbal remedial hot packs provide us with the perfect solution that provides us with a natural treatment avoiding artificial elements and chemicals that can have many side effects.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Information About Pain Management

Pain can be caused by injury, illness or mental disease. It can really hurt and make you uncomfortable. It could be chronic pain which is a continual pain. The other aches category is acute which can be treated and is gone.

Doctors help find what the reasons are for the pain. These help them determine the best pain management approach. Someone could be injured or ill such as from a trauma, illnesses, and surgery or suffer from blood pressure or heart rate issues that damage the body. These are often considered acute pain causes. That means they need management striking the pain and eliminating it. A chronic pain steams from a disease or condition such as headache, cancer or back pain. These are consent conditions leading to pain and often don't show a clear link to a pain reason.

Management of aches is done through psychological, medical and alternative methods. An acute pain management often includes herbal, over the counter, alternative medicines and natural remedies. A chronic aches has a longer lasting pain and it is difficult to find the cause this makes it difficult to find the right pain management. There still are options including medications and even surgical approaches. An example is analgesic drugs which get rid of or reduce aches or psychotropic medications that affect the mind and deal with a person's emotional element. An option that is also being used is nerve blocking. This is when a drug prevents the brain to read any pain messages. It is injected at the proper nerve. A treatment called Transcutaeous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is an option that uses electric stimulators to make aches feel more like a tingle.

When working with a aches management doctor they are specialists helping with a wide array of painful conditions. They know all the various treatment and help find the right one for each patient. Pain management is really important to the person suffering. Often if a person needs pain management the pain they suffer is affecting their life. Not only do they hurt they are unable to be involved with their life. It could be painful to walk or even sit. That means they won't be getting outside for a walk or out and about running errands and visiting family or friends. They will also have trouble sleeping or sitting and watching TV could be painful so they can't get comfortable.

Knee Pain - Taking All Natural Supplements Can Improve Your Outcome

If you are reading this article because you or someone you care about has knee pain. My step father has graciously agree to share his story, a man of 74 years, who has overcome 45 years of knee and other joint pain.

"My name is John M. At age 20, I was playing half back for a professional football team in Canada. This led to injuries of the left knee, back, fingers, shoulder, collar bone, and skull. The injuries ended my football career. At age 23, I began outdoor activities which included working with the Ski Patrol. While skiing, I hit a tree and re-injured the shoulder and collar bone that was dislocated while playing football. I migrated to Vancouver, B.C. where dampness and 200 days of rain or drizzle each year, caused the football and outdoor injuries to ache and gnaw.

I sought help from chiropractors and took the least amount of prescription pain relief medication. Eventually, I immigrated to the U.S., became a U.S. citizen, and joined the U.S. Peace Corps at age 65. Heavy lifting of equipment at the school where I was assigned to teach caused my lumbar 5 disc (L-5) to rupture. An operation was required. It was like having a NEW back, with a subtle stiffness that lingered after surgery. The back surgery seemed to open the flood gates.

After the Peace Corps, at age 68, my body was beginning to "speak" to me about the injuries of the past by creaking, producing bone spurs, ganglions, painful stiff arthritic joints and the continuing stiffness in my back. Surgery on each shoulder, left knee and left wrist were recommended solutions. A surprising and amazing change was about to occur. Before my first shoulder surgery, I began taking an all natural joint pain relief supplement. I continued taking the supplement after the surgery as part of a daily regime.

The all-natural supplement was effective, it improved the speed of healing, it shortened the recovery time and in each instance, when the doctor said it would take one year, before the range of motion returned to each arm and the pain would subside; in six months, I could reach over my head and the pain was gone. With regard to my knee, the doctor said I would be able to walk without crutches in a week; I walked without crutches in two days. The knee no longer pops and grinds!

The shoulder, knee and wrist surgeries occurred sequentially between ages 69 and 72 and I have taken an all-natural joint pain relief supplement daily starting at age 69.

The bottom line is this: Taking an all-natural joint pain relief supplement will greatly improve the outcome, even if surgery is required for knee injuries. I am now 74, and I get out of bed in the morning with no stiffness, no aches and no pains. My left knee is perfect! My back is no longer stiff, my fingers are no longer curved and arthritic, but flexible and without pain."

A Chinese proverb says, "To know the road ahead, ask those coming back." My step father has traveled the road ahead and generously shared his journey with us.

To learn more about treating knee and other joint pain with all-natural supplements, click HERE to get my FREE report.