Thursday, April 28, 2011

Walking Canes - If You Want To Walk Better Without A Cane, Then Read This Article

Why do people use canes?

What if there was something you could do to get rid of this walking aid?

What if you could improve your balance and not have to turn to a long stick that you have to carry with you everywhere you go?

1.) Introduction

This article is not a joke. We are not writing this article for our benefit, but for yours if you have a walking problem that requires a cane. I suppose we just don't want you thinking this is an infomercial... We are here to tell you that there are other things you can do to help your walking speed and balance, so you may be able to get rid of that cane once and for all!

The truth is that maybe you like your cane. Some are custom made and it is a fashion statement for certain individuals to use a cane. However, there are plenty of people out there that just want to get rid of their walking stick as soon as possible!

2.) Your Walking Issues

Do you suffer from a balance, walking speed, or other issue that is compromising your gait? Instead of using a cane to help them walk better, many individuals use a brace for their ankle and foot to help them with certain gait deficiencies.

What are the bonuses involved with using a brace instead of a cane?

A.) You do not necessarily have to carry anything anytime you want to walk.
B.) You can hide the brace easily under a pair of pants.

These are the main benefits for individuals that have certain conditions that hold them back. And, these advantages are heaven sent for many individuals with walking problems. - These braces are known as AFOs (which stands for ankle foot orthoses). - A brace specialist can provide you with one of these braces and they can even be custom made for you and billed to your insurance.

If you have a problem with your toes dragging when you walk, or you need a heightened sense of stability and balance, you should seriously consider getting one of these braces. Talk with your local, licensed orthotist (brace specialist) for more information.

*Note: The information written here is health oriented. It is not medical advice. Not everyone is a perfect candidate for a brace over the use of a cane. To get medical advice on bracing it is best to talk with your local, licensed orthotist.

1 comment:

  1. In my side i don't have any problem when i walk, but i always bring my walking sticks and canes for just a fashion. You have a very good discussion in your blog i really appreciate what you written.
